COERR Mae Sod organized the Training of Peace Building through Positive Thinking in Daily Living for camp based refugee staff and interested displaced persons in Mae La, on August 14th, had 31 participants of 23 female and 8 male; in Umpiem on 15th, had 25 participants of 20 female and 5 male; and in Nupo on 16th, had 24 participants of 16 female and 8 male. The purpose was to provide learning and skills in positive thinking to build peace of mind in their daily living and working in order to control undesired emotion that may occur during working with the people in suffering.
In learning this, our trainer asked participants to think about their daily life and what they feel toward whatever happened in life: what were good and what were bad. The results were that they had good feelings for being healthy and strong and capable to help the other vulnerables, and had good colleagues. They had bad feelings for bad weather like raining that were obstruction of working, and seeing the suffering people, etc. Then the trainer concluded that in every day, and every thing we had ound there were both good and bad sides. This good or bad side depended on our mind to consider.
Then, the trainer invited participants to sit in meditation for 10 minutes. After, she asked how they felt. Some felt peace of mind but some still kept thinking about what they had done. The trainer then told them that meditation should be practiced regularly as it helped to find peace of mind, to feel calm, to control emotions, to have less stress, thus it created positive thinking and led us to live and work happily. When we saw the situation, incidents and changes with understanding and patience, we would have good mental health and see value in ourselves and others as well.

Training in Mae La

Training in Umpiem

Training in Nupo